Journal of Politics

E-ISSN: 2791-7525

Hursit Dingil, Ph.D. Candidate, Discipline-oriented Policy Paper

Critical Approach on International Military
Coalitions: The Case of Israel’s Inclusion to CENTCOM


This paper develops a critical approach on the relative significance of regionalism as an explanatory framework and examines what kind of developments have occurred harming this relative significance. For this purpose, it closely looks at the relationship between international military coalitions and their regional partners. The main argument of this paper is this relationship will harm the regional alliances and indirectly regional peace stability. Even though the international military coalitions say their main goal is to make a peaceful environment stabilized, this paper suggests that the actual result may be an increase in the lack of confidence between regional countries. This lack of confidence will also harm regional peace stability in reverse to the aim of international military coalitions. This result can be called the crowding-out effect of non-regional coalitions.


Dingil, H. (2021). A Critical Approach on International Military Coalitions: The Case of Israel’s Inclusion to CENTCOM, Journal of Islamic Politics, 1(1), 30-44.

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